#41 Engaging on a journey of Cultural Transformation with Thomas Bourlon

Thomas Bourlon


Does having enough material success mean you cannot feel disconnected, empty and alone? How can you successfully lead a transformation and feel fulfilled at work?

About Thomas Bourlon

Thomas Bourlon works for a big European company, he moved out of a senior management position to lead the human aspect of Change Transformation Programs.

Thomas Bourlon’s Key Insights to Engage on a journey of Cultural Transformation

“If you want to change your outside world you have to Change your inner world.”

  • [0:57]  Thomas starts by sharing his own story. How he was feeling disconnected, frustrated and alone with all the success and how he changed that to be more alive at work and feel more fulfilled.
  • If you want to inspire people around you need to feel greater than the environment.
  • If you want to feel more JOY, then one must also feel the pain, its the other side of the coin.
  • 3 Key elements to engage on a Cultural Transformation:
  1. Feel your emotions:
  • He says,
  1. The way we feel influences the way we think
  2. The way we think influences the results we achieve.
  3. Create Physiological Safety:
  • He says, When Managers share their failure, people feel permitted to do the same.
  1. Challenge the rules
  •  Some rules were good at one point of time, look into the processes and tools. Because when you change the rules, the behaviour will change.
  • What gets in the way of Cultural Transformation:Becoming too attachement to the process, tools and people you work with.

“What was right yesterday may not be right for today and tomorrow.”

  • Using Fear and Frustration to make change is a short term approach and not a best practice in the medium and long term.
  • [14:28] Criticism and Judgement, does not help us. Its just mirroring who we are. People who criticise us have a gift for us. Look into the greatness of others.



[15:38] If you want to change your outside world you have to Change your inner world. So slow down, take time for yourself to feel more creative and feel more alive. Listen to your feeling to accelerate things happening around you.

Make effective change with Rethink Leadership Methodology

Samskara Dec 2021 Issue #08Samskara Dec 2021 Issue #08

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